
Choosing a career is one of the most important and influential decisions anyone will have to make in their lifetime. It is therefore wise to invest in this process of self discovery and choosing a favourable career, one that will provide maximum satisfaction and success. To best facilitate this process, Futurewize offers a wide range of career development services uniquely designed to meet the career needs of individuals across the various stages of their career development.

Clients and related career needs:


NB: Please complete the WIZMIF assessment as it will give you a better idea as to which one of these options will be best for you.




Career workshop clients:

Individuals may feel that they would like to continue investing in their career development after having completed the workshop. In such cases, additional career counselling sessions can be arranged at a reduced rate for those who participated in the workshop.

Private clients:

For individuals not attending the career workshop, career counselling sessions can be arranged to assist with career decision making and planning.